Privacy Policy

Your privacy is of utmost importance to us at Followers Reports+. This Privacy Policy aims to inform you about the information we collect from you when you use the Followers Reports+ mobile app, how we use and disclose that information, and how you can control the use and disclosure of your private information.

Please take a moment to read and understand our privacy practices, and feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

What information do we collect?

1- Personal Identification Information:

We may collect personal identification information from you in various ways, such as when you voluntarily provide information through forms or other interactions within the Followers Reports+ app. This information may include your name, email address, username, and any other information you choose to provide.

2- Non-Personal Identification Information:

We may also collect non-personal identification information about your device and usage of the Followers Reports+ app. This may include technical information such as your device type, operating system, app version, and other similar data.

Tracking Technologies and Cookies

We use Cookies and similar tracking technologies to track the activity on Our Service and store certain information. Tracking technologies used are beacons, tags, and scripts to collect and track information and to improve and analyze Our Service.

You can instruct your browser to refuse all Cookies or to indicate when a Cookie is being sent. However, if you do not accept Cookies, You may not be able to use some parts of our Service.

Cookies can be “Persistent” or “Session” Cookies. Persistent Cookies remain on your personal computer or mobile device when you go offline, while Session Cookies are deleted as soon as you close your web browser.

We use both session and persistent Cookies for the purposes set out below:

  • Necessary / Essential Cookies : “Session Cookies” These Cookies are essential to provide you with services available through the Website and to enable you to use some of its features. They help to authenticate users and prevent fraudulent use. Without these Cookies, the services that you have asked for cannot be provided, and we only use these Cookies to provide you with those services.
  • Cookies Policy / Notice Acceptance Cookies: “Persistent Cookies” These Cookies identify if users have accepted the use of cookies on the Website.
  • Functionality Cookies: “Persistent Cookies” These Cookies allow us to remember choices you make when you use the Website, such as language preference. The purpose of these Cookies is to provide you with a more personal experience and to avoid you having to re-enter your preferences every time you use the Website.
  • Tracking and Performance Cookies: “Persistent Cookies” These Cookies are used to track information about traffic to the Website and how users use the Website. The information gathered via these Cookies may directly or indirectly identify you as an individual visitor. This is because the information collected is typically linked to a pseudonymous identifier associated with the device you use to access the Website. We may also use these Cookies to test new pages, features or new functionality of the Website to see how our users react to them.
  • Targeting and Advertising Cookies: “Persistent Cookies” Third-Parties Purpose: These Cookies track your browsing habits to enable Us to show advertising which is more likely to be of interest to You. These Cookies use information about your browsing history to group you with other users who have similar interests. Based on that information, and with our permission, third party advertisers can place Cookies to enable them to show adverts which we think will be relevant to your interests while you are on third party websites.

For more information about the cookies we use and your choices regarding cookies, please visit our Cookies Policy .

How We Use the Collected Information

We may use the information we collect from you for the following purposes:

  • To provide and personalize our services: We use your information to deliver the features and functionality of the Followers Reports+ app, customize your experience, and provide you with the content and services you request.
  • o improve our app: We analyze the information to understand how users interact with the app, identify areas for improvement, and enhance the user experience.
  • To communicate with you: We may use your email address or other contact information to send you important updates, notifications, and respond to your inquiries or requests.

We do not sell, trade, or rent your personal identification information to third parties. However, we may share your information in the following circumstances:

  • With Service Providers: We may engage third-party service providers to assist us in providing and maintaining the Followers Reports+ app. These providers have access to your information only to perform tasks on our behalf and are obligated to keep it confidential.
  • For Legal Purposes: We may disclose your information if required by law, governmental request, or when we believe disclosure is necessary to protect our rights, enforce our policies, or respond to legal proceedings.
  • With Business partners: We may share your information with our business partners to offer you certain products, services or promotions.
  • With other users: when you share personal information or otherwise interact in the public areas with other users, such information may be viewed by all users and may be publicly distributed outside.

Retention of Personal Data

The Followers Reports+ will retain Your Personal Data only for as long as is necessary for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy. We will retain and use Your Personal Data to the extent necessary to comply with our legal obligations (for example, if we are required to retain your data to comply with applicable laws), resolve disputes, and enforce our legal agreements and policies.

We will also retain Usage Data for internal analysis purposes. Usage Data is generally retained for a shorter period of time, except when this data is used to strengthen the security or to improve the functionality of Our Service, or We are legally obligated to retain this data for longer time periods.

We will take all steps reasonably necessary to ensure that Your data is treated securely and in accordance with this Privacy Policy and no transfer of Your Personal Data will take place to an organization or a country unless there are adequate controls in place including the security of Your data and other personal information.

Disclosure of Personal Data

  • Business Transactions: If the Followers Reports+ is involved in a merger, acquisition or asset sale, Your Personal Data may be transferred. We will provide notice before Your Personal Data is transferred and becomes subject to a different Privacy Policy.
  • Law enforcement: Under certain circumstances, the Followers Reports+ may be required to disclose Your Personal Data if required to do so by law or in response to valid requests by public authorities (e.g. a court or a government agency).
  • Other legal requirements: Comply with a legal obligation, Prevent or investigate possible wrongdoing in connection with the Service, Protect against legal liability, Security of Your Personal Data.


We take reasonable measures to protect the information collected through the Followers Reports+ app from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction.

However, please note that no method of transmission or storage is 100% secure, and we cannot guarantee the absolute security of your information.

Detailed Information on the Processing of Personal Data

Service Providers have access to Your Personal Data only to perform their tasks on our behalf and are obligated not to disclose or use it for any other purpose.

  • Analytics: We may use third-party Service providers to monitor and analyze the use of our Service. Such as Google Analytics, it is a web analytics service offered by Google that tracks and reports website traffic.
  • Advertising: We may use Service providers to show advertisements to You to help support and maintain Our Service.
  • Email Marketing: We may use Your Personal Data to contact You with newsletters, marketing or promotional materials and other information that may be of interest to You.
  • Usage, Performance and Miscellaneous: We may use third-party Service Providers to provide better improvement of our Service. reCAPTCHA is operated by Google to collect information from You and from Your Device for security purposes.

Changes of Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to update this Privacy Policy as needed to reflect changes in our practices or legal requirements. We will notify you of any significant changes by posting the updated Privacy Policy within the Followers Reports+ app or through other communication channels. We encourage you to review this Privacy Policy periodically to stay informed about how we protect your privacy.

Acceptance of the privacy policy

Your use of any page of the website means your unconditional acceptance of our privacy policy, and your commitment to any terms that require you to take action on your part and based on what this policy provide if you do not agree to the terms of this policy, you must leave the website’s pages and stop using it immediately.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, You can contact us:
By visiting this page on our website: Contact us